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Pela Próxima Geração

Be the change you want to see in the World

Founded by Thais Eliasen

As an entrepreneur and owner of a boutique Public Relations agency Thais Eliasen PR, I believe there is so much we can do, and if we work for it dreams do come true. When we join forces with others like minded there is so much more we can accomplish, so with this thought in mind I invited entrepreneurs, businessman & business women I know who believe giving is the art of utmost gratitude, to raise 1 Million Reais ($215K) to be given to charities in Brazil who work with children's empowerment, education and health providing them with what they need now and walking them through building a healthy and happy future for themselves. This project is so important to me as one who received the blessing of a good education in Brazil all sponsored by my uncle, as a mom of 4 children and as a Brazilian myself. I hope this initiative brings light to the inequality our Brazilian youth face & encourages others to do something about it.

Non-Profit Partners

Rio Dream Center

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They provide children with clothes, dentist treatments, soccer school, jiu-jitsu classes, physical therapy, nutritionist, psychologists, social services, classes such as sewing, community outreach, English, auriculotherapy, bike mechanics, arts and crafts, manicure and professional work place coaching.

Over 15.000 people assisted; over 150 seminars and group training/activities; over 200 tons of food donated; over 15.000 donated medicine. Nonprofit’s biggest need: a van for 21 passengers to use as shuttle (R$220.000) throughout the region.

Recriando Raízes
The only Social Project in the region
Costa Barros - RJ


They serve children by offering school tutoring, English classes, brading lessons, manicure and biscuit courses, guitar and computer lessons, emotional health strategies. They walk alongside youth that have been involved with trafficking drugs holistically attending to their needs to help them transition out into being healthy members of society and ready for the work place. Recriando Raizes also offer meals, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks.
Last year alone they served 180 children; more than 70 families; 0% de evasion; 40% of the program's graduates are employed.
Nonprofit’s biggest need: Amplify project's physical space.

Missão Média Internacional (MMI)
São Paulo - SP


Cleft Lip treatment, surgery, pre and post surgical assistance. The International Medical Mission (MMI) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization that is concerned with solving health problems in needy locations around the world. Our motto is “Health, Healing and Hope”. Our main project is the treatment of cleft lip, or cleft lip and palate, one of the most frequent craniofacial anomalies in newborns. Unfortunately, due to misinformation, use of alcohol and other drugs, and also directly linked to social vulnerability, many children are born with cleft lip.

500 children were served in 2019, 300 children were served 2020.
Their biggest need is to fund one thousand surgeries.

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